Wednesday 28 March 2012

My Colour Story

For my colour story I have chosen photographs of the hostel we stayed in in New York City, the West side YMCA. The outside of the building had lovely decorative features on it. The colours were subtle and muted, perhaps worn down by time. The colours I chose from these images are the grey of the stone, navy and light pink.


I used the patterns from the paper cutouts to make stamps so that I could print onto the fabric. I also used them as stencils to create a pattern on the fabric. I then combined the two and lay the actual cut outs onto printed fabric to create interesting textiles.

Fashion Project: Pattern

Finally I have found time to write this blog! After 6 months of waiting I am in fashion. It feels like such a great achievement. Our project is based on pattern; how we source it, develop it and execute it. My inspiration for the project was architecture in New York city. My patterns were inspired by the New York City Library.

I used the idea of lines changing direction and evolving into a new shape to create interesting forms using strips of paper. I used these mark makings to form the basis of my patterns.

Friday 2 March 2012


I made a makette of the wind chime using felt and I also knit one. I wish I could have knit more but it took forever to knit the first one. I strung them all together and hung them at my desk.

Crackle Glaze

We had to glaze our pots with crackle glaze for the raku kiln on Thursday. It comes out shinier than the naked raku and you can't scratch into them. I loved the end result of this,. It gave a nice contrast to the naked raku pieces. And plus they don't smell as smokey!

Under Glaze

I banded the glaze onto the cones on the whirler. I liked the finished resut of this. I can't wait to see what they look like when they are glazed and fired.


I found this process fun. It was nice to play a part in firing the clay. It was very smokey though which I didn't like. the results on the cones were nice but I wish they had turned out darker.

Creating Clay Pieces

First I made a pinch pot to become familiar with the clay. We were also introduced to coiling and slabbing. I used coiling first to create a piece inspired by my investigation with the cones.

I used slabbing to create smaller cones. I used a plaster mould of a cone to create them.

I really liked making the cones and finishing them off. I poked holes into the top of them so I can string them together and create a wind chime. I think I will use both Raku and underglaze to make designs on them.