Monday 26 September 2011


Two weeks down and this project is finally getting interesting. I admit to being a bit lost at the beginning but the meeting with my tutor this morning really cleared things up. All I needed was a bit of reassurance that I'm heading in the right direction. My theme for the project on movement and motion is centered on the idea that at this moment in time I'm going down a path to the unknown (ie. this first year in college). Visually I am mainly focusing on vanishing points on roads or pathways and also interesting twists and turns in the road. Along with this I'm investigating the notion that other people have travelled this path too and have someway or another left their mark to say "I was here". I have been busy collecting evidence of this through photographs etc. So far this seems like an interesting idea with lots of different possible outcomes. During this week I am going to try and focus on drawing and sketching different pathways to really jump start this project. Here are a couple of my photographs. Enjoy :)

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