Saturday 29 October 2011

06/10/2011: Artists

Following my tutorial on the 29th of September I looked up three artist which my tutors recommended looking at. The pictures above are from my contextual notebook and are the work of Richard Long. He works with found objects that he comes across while out on planned walks. He began these walks in the 70's and they take him through remote areas of Britain and Ireland. I find these works very interesting as Long works in the environment he is in at that moment in time. It really gives across the idea behind my project which is the idea of where people have been. My favourite of his work is the last image, I find the photo very striking.

The second artist I looked up was Tony Cragg, he also works with found objects. He was influenced by Long which you can see in his early work like the numbers written in the sand. As his work progressed it became more of his own. He takes objects and places them in certain ways so in some they form an image.

The final artist I researched was Mark Dion. His work was based on archaeology. He preformed excavations and archaeological digs and from these he ordered the items he found and exhibited them. The images above are from his work 'Raiding Neptune's Vault' 1997/98 which took place in Italy. He includes the processes involved with archaeology in his works so that people can see the methods he used to produce these works of art.

My nest task is to try and use these artists methods in my own work to come up with something interesting and exciting.

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