Monday 30 January 2012

Print Elective Day 1

Today I started my two week project in print. The brief is about space and how we personalise it, alter it connect with it and how space defines us. At first I thought about space in regards to personal concepts. Like your bedroom is your personal space and the things you put in that space defines who you are. When I went into the studio however I changed my mind completely. The walls in the studio were covered in paint splatters and so was my desk. This got me thinking about how other people change space and other things can change space also. Here are some photographs I took around the college of how people can change space.

These are photographs I took in my studio. You could say these were the starting point to my concept.

These are photographs I took around the college today. The photos show that people change spaces in many different ways like graffiti, stickers, using paper or just writing on the wall. I particularly like the picture I took of the writing on the bathroom door "GET A FUCKIN SKETCHPAD YOU SAD BITCH!". Maybe that could be the title of my project?

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