Monday 16 April 2012

One Week Project

Today was such a nice day at college. We started off my brainstorming words associated with the five senses in groups of four. We then had to pick one word for each of the senses. We had to think of action words or processes regarding these words. The words I chose were nostalgic, illusion, brittle, alarms and exotic.We then further researched these words and chose our favourite three. I chose illusion, brittle and alarm. We have to make directional mood boards for each of the words and a couple of swatches for the boards. I'm really excited to dive into this after two weeks off. I have started researching alarm first. I have decided to go with fire alarm as my theme and use the processes  burning, melting and destroying. I can't wait to apply these processes to making swatches. Tomorrow we will be learning different knitting techniques with Liz. Oh the excitement of being a fashion student!

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