Monday 21 May 2012

Making My Skirt

From my designs I decided to make a skirt which looked like it was cracked. The shape is simple but I feel like it captures my theme. I decided to use knitted wire for the cracked parts then used wax and pearls on the fabric to give it the bumpy texture my egg sculptures had.

I cut out the shapes using brown paper, then pinned these shapes onto half a skirt I used as a pattern to make my skirt from.

I then knitted lengths of wire and stitched them onto the pieces of material, which took forever!

I sewed both halves of the skirt then sewed them together leaving a bit open at the left hand side so the garment can open and close. I attached two pieces of wire that I put pearls onto to either side of the opening. To close the skirt you just wrap the two pieces of wire together.

I then poured the wax and pearls onto the pieces of the skirt in peach and lemon to match my colour story. I had to put tinfoil between the skirt to stop the sides sticking together.

Friday 4 May 2012

Designing from the Sculpture

This week we had to take photographs of our sculptures and design from them. I decided to take one of my eggs apart and use these pieces to try create designs on the mannequins.

Finished Sculpture

Sculpture week

I have decided to go with the brittle concept board and use eggs within my sculpture. I wanted to try making some wax eggs and also paper mache eggs. I found the wax eggs to be more successful and also they were more enjoyable to do. I emptied the egg yolk at white out of the egg then smashed it a bit and poured melted wax inside.I broke off the egg shell once the wax had dried. I played around with colour by putting some crayon shavings into the wax varying the amount to strengthen the colour.

This was my first attempt at the wax egg which I am really proud about because it turned out how I wanted.

I also painted the wax onto pieces of the broken egg too to see if this would be successful and it was! These pieces were really delicate and easy to break, bringing across the brittle theme.